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Sean Symons (Fr 1991)

Sean Symons (Fr 1991) is the Founder and Head Brewer at White Lakes Brewing. The brew house is based in Western Australia and specialises in producing beer with 8 different varieties to choose from.  Sean started the company because it allowed him to combine his two passions, teaching and being close to the brewing process. Sean also shares with us his experiences at College and how his time running the Grandstand Bar on No.1 Oval after graduating lead him to be in the position he is in today.

Please tell us a bit about yourself, where are you from originally and where did you grow up?

I was born in Peak Hill, NSW and grew up there until boarding school in year seven 1985 at Shore, in North Sydney.

Why did you choose to reside at St Andrew’s College?

It was the interview really – the Bird at the time started a pretend game of cricket in his office during the interview – bowling a few off-spinners as I faced up. I wasn’t particularly good at cricket, even pretend cricket, but he didn’t seem to care about that. I thought this was a pretty good approach to life.

What parts of College life were you involved in?

I was immersed for the first two years – drama, inter collegiate sport, social functions and celebrations.

What was your favourite part about being at St Andrew’s?

The camaraderie and support network whilst living on campus was the experience of a lifetime. An extraordinary community of which I was proud to have taken part.

How did being at St Andrew’s College help you achieve your goals?

Living on campus gave you access to a wonderful way of life, with a great group of friends. This support network was instrumental in my formative years.

What made you want to get into brewing?

I fell into it really – I was running the Grandstand Bar on No.1 Oval after graduating, and met Chuck Hahn from the Hahn Brewery at a function. He suggested coming down to visit him to see what it was all about. I started the following week, going on to work for Hahn/Lion for over a decade.

How did you come to the decision to start White Lakes Brewing?  

I’ve always enjoyed teaching and being close to the brewing process. The best way to have both was to start my own brewing company.

What has been your biggest challenge in starting and running your own business?

Convincing myself that the beers we make are actually something that other people want to consume rather than my own myopic self-indulgence.

What has been your biggest accomplishment so far – with your business or in life otherwise?

My sons – it’s all for them really – hopefully they will like to brew beer as well when they are old enough.

Where would you like to see White Lakes Brewing in the future?

National and international acclaim for one of our beers would be nice. I’d like to be able to drink it wherever I go.

How are you managing at the moment during the COVID-19 pandemic? (We hope you are doing OK!)

COVID has been tough for employers, particularly in hospitality. It’s added a new level of unknown that is unhelpful. I find that making time for yourself to relax and unwind is important. Find a hobby, or just something that you love doing.

What do you like to get up to when you are not working on your business or brewing?  

I find cooking to be quite cathartic, pies, preserves, pickles. Watching my children grow up is also a joy.

What are you reading/ watching/ and or listening to at the moment that you would recommend to others?

So many podcasts for whatever you’re into – a spread of information to indulge in. I’ve been catching up on the latest brewing innovations from around the world. During lockdown I binge watched Breaking Bad, The Wire and Sopranos again.

What words of advice would you give to young Androvian’s wanting to branch out on their own?

Take note of whatever is getting you out of bed in the morning and follow it. It’s never a job if you love doing it.