St Andrew's College Alumni Community

Building an Enduring Community and Lifelong Relationships

St Andrew’s College is an inclusive and diverse community; membership begins here as a student and continues thereafter, leading to life-long mutually respectful and beneficial relationships as alumni. The College values its connection with our alumni and how these relationships advance our enduring community; connecting, engaging and cultivating Androvians for life.

Our College has over 6,000 alumni living throughout Australia and around the world. Through the many events and activities the Advancement Office facilitates each year, our College aims and form enduring relationships with each member of our community, something that is core of our overall vision and mission.

There are many ways for alumni to be involved with College, whether it be attending events, reading our regular publications and e-news, volunteering to be part of Androvation, mentoring our current students, or even taking on a leadership role with the Alumni Society, Council or Foundation Board of Management. If you would like to get involved, please contact us: or +61 2 9565 7300.

Official College merchandise and memorabilia is available for purchase through our St Andrew’s College online store.

Alumni at the 2023 SACAS Annual Dinner