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Students' Club Activities

The St Andrew’s College Students’ Club
St Andrew’s College Students’ Club is the representative body for our undergraduate residents running a range of Junior Common Room (JCR) activities through a number of sub-committees, all overseen by the elected House Committee.
The history of our Student’s Club dates back as far as 1896. The first Senior Student was elected in 1896 and the Students’ Club was emerging in form by 1901. Sometime after 1902, a Student’s Club constitution was adopted in which the students undertook the duty of controlling the students’ Junior Common Room, recreation, social life and sport.
It is clear that by 1906 the Students’ Club was in full operation, with annual elections for Senior Student, Secretary, Treasurer, and year representatives. By 1910, the House Committee included nine members, and sub-committees began to form to organise various Students’ Club activities, in a manner similar to today.
Students’ Club Junior Common Room Events, Activities & Societies
All Students’ Club events, societies and clubs are run through a number of sub-committees. There are more than 70 student sub-committees at St Andrew’s College, ensuring there is something for every student. Some of the sub-committees include
- St Andrew’s College Formal sub-committee
- Merchandise sub-committee
- The Drama Society (DramSoc)
- Mothers’ and Fathers’ Day Dinner sub-committee
- Social Sport sub-committee
- Pipes & Drums sub-committee
- Sustainability sub-committee
- Community Service sub-committee
The House Committee
The appointment of the Student’s Club representative body and voice, the House Committee, is a democratic decision. Students are elected by students, for the students, at the end of the preceding academic year.