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St Andrew’s Day 2018

St Andrew’s Day 2018

On 30 November, St Andrew’s Day, members of the College community gathered to celebrate the commencement of the Thyne Reid Link building development.  Principal Wayne Erickson’s reflection on the occasion is below.

Dear Friend,

Last Friday, 30 November – St Andrew’s Day – was an important day in College for several reasons.

The College broke ground on the Thyne Reid Link building development, at an event attended by over a hundred students, Councillors, staff, benefactors and other members of the broader College community. The gathering witnessed Chair of Council Charlie Taylor and Senior Student Susannah Cooke together turn the sod on a building project which will add world-class facilities and allow 85 new members to join our College community. This event marks the commencement of an exciting expansion in the life of College, and photographs can be accessed here.

St Andrew’s Day 2018 also marked the one-year anniversary of the handing down of the Broderick Report into Cultural Renewal in the colleges at Sydney. As reported during the year, the College has worked hard during this first year of the two-year implementation phase to embed the changes required by the agreed recommendations, with the Council and Students’ Club collaborating effectively to put in place practical solutions to the challenges presented by the recommendations. We have prepared an end-of-year-one ‘report card’: a comprehensive analysis of the work undertaken, the results achieved, and the work still to do. I hope that you enjoy reading about our efforts to effect cultural renewal in College – to choose and then cherish all that is good, and challenge and change all that is not.

I look forward to providing you with further updates during 2019.

Wayne Erickson


Click here to read about the College’s implementation of the Broderick Report recommendations.

Click here to download a copy of Principal Erickson’s St Andrew’s Day address.